Activing Women in Kingdom Identity and Assignment

Stewarding the 7 Pillars though the Power of 3!


Embrace the power of NOW and begin your path to a deeper encounter with God.

"NOW Moments With Jesus" is a community for women who seek to understand and experience intimacy God's presence in the here and now. We believe in the power of your voice to manifest God's truth in your life, bringing about intimate connection. The Kingdom of God is voice-activated, and your voice is the key.

Our NOW Monthly Membership offers tools, resources, and live mentoring opportunities designed to deepen your understanding of God's word, strengthen your faith, and enhance your spiritual maturity. Through engaging LIVE online sessions, we provide a space for you to grow and flourish in your faith, surrounded by a community of Kingdom Ambassadors, partnering with you in prayer and celebrations.

Whether you're looking to build a stronger foundation in hearing God's truth, seeking to expand your faith in the unseen, or desiring to experience God's presence more fully, our program meets you at any stage of your spiritual journey. Join us for activating experiences that nourish both your spirit and soul, and let your voice be heard.

Step into "NOW Moments With Jesus" and discover the power of living in the moment with Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Your journey towards a deeper, more intimate connection with God starts here.


Live fully in God's promises without feeling disconnected from your reality. 

Many of us understand what God says about our identity, yet struggle to see those truths manifest in our daily lives. This misalignment can leave us feeling frustrated, but it's also a powerful call to action—a divine nudge to step into God's reality of who we are.

If you feel your voice is silenced in your relationships, workplace, or church community, prepare to claim your territory, break free from generational curses, and unlock God's voice through your own.

At PODs, Pearl of Design Mentor-Mind, we believe this is your moment to rise, to align your reality with your spiritual beliefs, and to live out the profound identity God has planted within you, through your distinct voice. It's time to live in fresh strength, to grow in resilience, and to maintain healthy boundaries while still being there for your loved ones. The goal of PODs is to empower you to grow through action, guided by faith and fueled by an identity that transcends the ordinary. Our aim is to help you discern and amplify the voice of God's truth in your life.

If you struggle with the battle over your kingdom identity and you know in your inner most being you are called to contribute and impact others, this is for you!

Welcome to a community where your faith leads your actions, and your actions inspire your purpose. Let's embark on this process together, where every step is a testament to the power of mentor-driven metamorphosis.


Move forward in your purpose by His empowered authority and permission.

If you find your voice silenced in your relationships, workplace, or community and are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to be a blessing to others. The Queen's Table champion  you to not only discern the voice of God in your life but to amplify it with clarity, strength and authority.

Your time at the Table, is a personal exploration of what you hold in your hands—the talents, resources, and gifts entrusted to you by God. It's about recognizing your net worth in the divine economy and being faithful stewards of these blessings. Through creative guidance of the Holy Spirit, you'll learn to appreciate the magnitude of what you've been given, what you carry and to use it in a way that honors God and expands His Kingdom.

The Queen's Table serves as a guide through the complexities of leadership, stewardship, and ambassadorship within God's Kingdom.

Join us at The Queen's Table, where your journey is deeply honored, your potential unlocked, and your faith actively set in motion. Embrace this opportunity to grow, lead, and serve in the extraordinary way God has designed just for you.
Embrace the joy of presenting your talents back to God, stepping into your role as a faithful steward, and anticipating the greater things He has in store for you.

Join us at The Queen's Table, together, let's step into the abundance God has promised, for "to those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance". Matthew 25:29 NL.

Experience being heard, healed and honored in community.

Curated Events, Retreats, Memberships, Courses and Programs

This live and online community seeks the voice of God and encounters His heart together. We are dedicated to being the community you have been looking for: a place to find God, find others and find freedom in who God created you to be and do! We are on a mission to activate women in using their voice in their kingdom assignment by mentoring them to step out in power of their words to impact the generations.

What She Said!

Stories of women's journey here in She Meets

Have a question?

Please reach out. We are here for you and to support you.
